June 2-Sept 1st
Mon-Thurs: 8am-4pm
Friday: 8am-2pm

(908) 879-3660

50 North Road
Chester, NJ 07930

50 North Road
Chester, NJ 07930

Municipal Clerk/Vital Statistics/Registrar

Contact Us

Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4 PM

P: (908) 879-3660 Ext. 2129
F: (908) 879-0122

Clerk Information

The Municipal Clerk’s office is responsible for licenses/permits and also operates as the Registrar of Vital Statistics, overseeing all records.


Visit: morriscountyclerk.org/index.php/elections/

Am I eligible to vote? You are eligible if:

  • You are a citizen of the United States
  • You are a Morris County resident 30 days before the election
  • You are a resident of the election district in which you expect to vote on Election Day
  • You will be 18 years of age on or before the next election. You are not incarcerated, on parole, or on probation due to a conviction for an indictable offense under any federal or state laws.
  • Note: you can register at 17, but can’t vote until you turn 18.

How do I register to vote?
First, check the State of New Jersey’s Elections “Am I registered?” page to see if you’re already registered.

  • If you are not registered you can either:
    Register to vote online (a driver’s license/non-driver ID card OR a Social Security number is required)
  • Or, complete a registration application form at the Morris County Board of Elections’ office or by mail:
    Voter Registration Form
    Solicitud de Inscripcion de Votantes
  • Forms are also available at Town Hall
  • You can also register to vote at your local Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) office while applying for/renewing a driver’s license or non-driver ID card.

When is the voter registration deadline?
You must register to vote 21 days before any election. 

Registrar of Vital Statistics

Certified copies of all vital records (birth, death, marriage, domestic partnership) are available through the Clerk’s office. The fee for copies of vital records is $7.00 for the first copy and $3.00 for each additional copy. I.D. is required to acquire copies of vital records. Acceptable forms of I.D. are a photo drivers’ license, vehicle registration, passport, green card, county I.D., or utility bill. If you do not have a photo drivers’ license, two other forms of I.D. must be presented. The only people who may apply for a certified record are the subject of the record, the subject’s parents, legal guardian, spouse, child (of age) or grandchild (of age). Copies can also be requested by mail. A written request containing all particulars of the record (name(s), date, place, etc.), a clear photocopy of the requested I.D. and a check made payable to “The Borough of Chester” are required. Click here for an application.


The Clerk's Office is responsible for all licenses that are issued in town. All licenses (except for Liquor, Bingo and Raffle, and Hunting) expire December 31 of each year.

Marriage License Applications

Couples that are to be married in the State of New Jersey must apply for a marriage license. If the Bride or Groom is from New Jersey, they may apply in the municipality where either resides. If only one of the couple resides in New Jersey, the application will be made in their municipality.  If neither are residents of New Jersey but are being married in the State, they are to apply in the municipality where the wedding will take place. The couple must bring a witness (18 years or older), with them when they make application. Valid I.D. is also required. The fee for a marriage license is $28.00. The marriage license can be picked up after a 72 hour waiting period and is valid for 30 days thereafter.

Email vitalstatistics@chesterborough.org for more information or to schedule an appointment.

  • Food and Drink
  • Games of Amusement
  • Tattoo Parlor
  • Pool Tables
  • Solicitor/Peddler
  • Intra Municipal Taxi License
  • Hunting License

This may not be a complete listing of all licenses necessary. Please call the Clerk's Office with any questions about other licenses.

Bingo and Raffle Licenses are regulated by the State of New Jersey. Only registered non-profit organizations may apply for a Bingo or Raffle License. Please apply for all Bingo and Raffle licenses at least 25 days before the event is scheduled to take place. For more information about Bingo and Raffle licenses and application forms visit the state's website.

Liquor Licensing is regulated by the State of New Jersey. For more information visit the state's website.

Open Public Records Requests

All requests for public records must be made through the Municipal Clerk. Request forms are available here or in the Clerk’s office. Many records are available immediately while some requests may take up to 7 days to fulfill. Please note that not all records are open to the public. If the record you are seeking is not a public record, an explanation will be provided. Fees for copies of public records are as determined by State statute.

Daniel's Law

On November 20, 2020, Governor Murphy signed Daniel’s Law (P.L. 2020, c.125) into law. Daniel’s Law provides a means for active and retired federal and State court judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement members to request the redaction of certain personal information from public-facing State, County, and municipal websites. In addition, the State of New Jersey’s Department of Community Affairs has established a Daniels Law Portal to streamline the implementation process.
To determine whether you are a person who can request protection under Daniel’s Law, refer to P.L. 2021, CHAPTER 371.  If you determine that you are a Covered Person or an Authorized Person, go to https://danielslaw.nj.gov and register with the New Jersey’s Office of Information Privacy.


Dena Dziergoski
Acting Clerk/Registrar

Phone Number: (908) 879-3660 Ext. 2129
Fax Number: (908) 879-0122
E-Mail: Clerk@ChesterBorough.org

Marriage Licenses by Appointment

For Scheduling, Requests and Inquiries

Contact: vitalstatistics@chesterborough.org

Submit OPRA requests by emailing OPRA@chesterborough.org

Upcoming Mayor & Council Meetings
17 Sep
Mayor & Council Meeting
Date 09.17.2024 7:00 pm
1 Oct
Mayor & Council Meeting
10.01.2024 7:00 pm
15 Oct
Mayor & Council Meeting
10.15.2024 7:00 pm
12 Nov
Mayor & Council Meeting
11.12.2024 7:00 pm
26 Nov
Mayor & Council Meeting
11.26.2024 7:00 pm