June 2-Sept 1st
Mon-Thurs: 8am-4pm
Friday: 8am-2pm
(908) 879-3660
50 North Road
Chester, NJ 07930
50 North Road
Chester, NJ 07930
**NEW** You can receive your Utility billing electronically. This is for sewer and solid waste only (not tax bills). CLICK HERE to sign up for paperless billing.
Residential Solid Waste Utility billing covers weekly trash & recycling pickup and the semi-annual brush & leaf collection. Annual cost is $360/year due in two installments of $180 each on May 1st and November 1st. The May 1st installment payment is for pickup January-June and the November 1st installment is for July – December.
Please refer to the TRASH & RECYCLING page for more information on bulk pickup and metal recycling.
Solid Waste questions can be directed to: solidwaste@chesterborough.org. This includes questions regarding scheduling a pick-up, missed pick-ups and replacement cans.
Billing inquiries should be sent to collector@chesterborough.org
Sewer Rate Structure:
The minimum quarterly user fee for sewer is $200 for up to 10,000 gallons of water consumption.
Any water consumption over 10,000 gallons per quarter is subject to a $0.0225 per gallon excess fee.
Commercial users over 45,000 gallons per quarter are subject to a Significant User surcharge.
Billing inquiries should be sent to collector@ChesterBorough.org
If you are selling or purchasing a home there is no need to contact the Borough to transfer service.
The name of the new responsible party for the service will automatically transfer into the Borough Billing System from the sellers name to the new property owners name upon transfer of the property deed.
We do not do final meter readings for sewer billing.
For each quarter there is a 10-day grace period. If the 10th falls on a weekend or a Borough holiday, the grace period is extended to the Borough’s next business day. No interest is charged if a payment is made within the Grace Period.
Payment after the grace period is considered a late payment.
If payment is received after the grace period, interest is accrued at 8% for the first $1,500 and 18% over $1,500. Interest is charged from the original due date. There is also a 6% penalty on any delinquency in excess of $10,000 at the end of the fiscal year. Any Sewer or Solid Waste bill not paid by the end of the year is subject to Tax Sale. The sale may be held at any time after the current fiscal year.
Envelope postmark is not accepted. The payment date is the date the payment is received at Chester Borough offices, not the postmarked date.