June 2-Sept 1st
Mon-Thurs: 8am-4pm
Friday: 8am-2pm
(908) 879-3660
50 North Road
Chester, NJ 07930
50 North Road
Chester, NJ 07930
The office of the Tax Collector is responsible for the billing, reporting, enforcing, and collecting of taxes for all non-exempt Borough properties.
Property taxes are based on the assessed valuation of real property. The taxes for the Borough, local school district, regional school district, and county are combined into one levy and is apportioned on the tax bill by the tax rate.
The 2024 Certified Tax Rate is 2.444 per $100 of assessed value. The breakdown of the 2024 rate is as follows:
Local | $0.850 |
Library | $0.033 |
County Open Space | $0.007 |
Open Space | $0.010 |
Regional School | $0.449 |
District School | $0.852 |
County | $0.243 |
TOTAL | $2.444 |
Postdated Checks
We are required by state law to deposit payments within 48 hours. Postdated checks will be returned to your billing address unprocessed.
Late Tax Payments
If taxes are received after the due date, interest is accrued at 8% for the first $1,500 and 18% over $1,500. Interest is charged from the original due date. There is also a 6% penalty on any delinquency in excess of $10,000 at the end of the fiscal year. Any taxes not paid by the end of the year are subject to Tax Sale. The sale may be held at any time after the current fiscal year.
Envelope postmark is not accepted. The payment date is the date the payment is received in the Tax Collector’s office, not the postmarked date. The NJ State Statute prohibits the receipt of postmarked payments. Delinquent notices are mailed quarterly as soon as possible after the 10-day grace period has ended.
Failure to receive a tax bill does NOT exempt homeowners from paying taxes or accruing interest on any delinquencies. If a tax bill has not been received or has been misplaced, please contact the Tax Collector.
New Owners
Tax bills are sent to new homeowners upon receipt of deed change information received from the County of Morris. This information could take up to three months to reach the Tax Collector. Residents selling their home are requested to provide tax information to the new owners at the time of closing.
Veterans & Senior Citizens
Veterans and senior citizens may be eligible for a tax deduction of $250. Please contact the Tax Assessor or the Tax Collector for more information.
Liz Holtz
Tax Collector
Phone: (908) 879-3660 x2121
Email: Collector@ChesterBorough.org
Hours: Wednesday and Thursday 8AM-3PM
Mail your check to Chester Borough Tax Collector, 50 North Rd, Chester NJ 07930
Property taxes are levied as of January 1. Tax bills are issued annually in July. It is a final bill for the current year and a preliminary bill for the next year. It includes four quarterly installments.
Payment Due dates for taxes
For each quarter there is a 10-day grace period. If the 10th falls on a weekend or a Borough holiday, the grace period is extended to the Borough’s next business day.